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7 Christian Dating Ideas


HomeDating7 Christian Dating Ideas

Christian dating ideas can be somewhat different from the regular dating we know. Christian dating poses challenges and also has many rewards that most secular people don’t get to enjoy. As a Christian, you know there are many dating situations that you should avoid and plenty of fun and exciting things you can do while on a date.

As Christians, we are meant to be set apart from the culture we find ourselves in. We wouldn’t want to go to a strip club and pretend like that was unacceptable mostly because it objectifies women and men and lowers their value as sex objects rather than a child of God. Some fabulous date night ideas will not only protect your faith but will also grow your relationship.


From taking a hike with your partner to planning a sunset viewing party, there are plenty of ways to get to know someone new without following the typical date-night cliché. And, if you’re a Christian looking for faith-friendly or Christian dating ideas, you certainly have way more options than just heading out to meet for drinks.


No Christian should ever feel that their faith inhibits their dating life, it could be said that Christian dating is far more satisfying because your focus is on the Lord and how you can better serve Him. The pressure is taken off of you since your goal isn’t to satisfy the fleshly desires of mankind, but to find someone who you can live a long, fulfilling righteous life with.


Here are 10 faith-filled date ideas to help you out of your dating rut.


Christian Dating Ideas

1. Go On Double Dates With Other Christian Couple

Dating can be difficult one-on-one because you fear allowing the flesh to overrule what you know is best. Let’s face it you’re attracted to each other, things can quickly escalate. You’re less likely to sin if in the presence of another couple. So, if you were feeling a little uneasy about hanging out at the park, having another couple, there might take the pressure off of you.

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2. Attend a Church-Related Event

Going to a church service on a first date may sound like a good idea at first, but it’s more of a third or fourth date activity. Because you’ll spend most of your time listening to the music and sermon, there isn’t much time to get to know each other. For Christian dating ideas, consider going to a church-related event instead. The safe environment with fun activities, plus time and space to get to know each other, makes a great first date. 


3. Buy Each Other Gifts From A Christain Bookstore

Bookstores are hard to find these days, especially Christian bookstores. That doesn’t mean you can’t find a Christian bookstore. If you don’t have a Christian bookstore in your area, then the bookstores that do exist might have a section for Christian books.


It’s worth checking out since reading material is vital to your spiritual growth. Sure, you read the bible a lot, but you need other materials as well. The other things that you read will help guide you through what’s in the bible and educate you about God’s word and boost your Christian dating ideas.


4. Pray Together

You don’t have to make these Christian dating ideas look so awkward or get super spiritual about it. Prayer is a simple way to invite God on your date and get a glimpse into your date’s relationship with God. A praying man is a sexy man and if your date knows how to pray, then this is a good sign that he loves God and spends time with him.

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If you bring up prayer and your date admits he doesn’t know how or sounds awkward, he may not be as close to God as you think. If he is a new Christian or opens to growing more with God, then that’s okay. But at least you will get to see where he is at.

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5. Watch A Movie With A Message

There are countless movies available that highlight Christian values or have a spiritual undertone. While they could be labelled Christian, you could also enjoy those that were written by Christian authors and together seek to find the Christian message hidden in the storyline. Some Christian movies are focused on building strong marriages, Regardless of whether the movie is labelled “Christian,” choosing one that is clean and doesn’t bring any counter-Christian elements into your life is ideal.


6. Talk About What Your Goals Are

One essential aspect of Christian dating ideas is talking to the people you date about your goals. You need to figure out if you are on the same page regarding your faith, the things you believe in, and what you want to do with your life.


In some cases, you may be compatible, and in other instances, you could be headed in different directions in life. Shared goals can be influential when bonding with another person.


7. To Take Turns Reading Scripture Aloud

Every day, you should be reading the scripture as a Christian dating. Any day that you’re not reading God’s word is a day where you’re missing out. Maybe the two of you could share your favourite verses. Take a step back and ask each other what parts of the bible you are lacking knowledge of. Those are the areas that the two of you should read aloud.

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You can find a variety of scripture suggestions to read about a wide variety of topics online. Try to find out what things that interest both of you and read about them. It’s even more fun to set aside a little time after reading to discuss what you just read. Your knowledge will deepen in the word of God, and the two of you will bond over reading and discussing the bible. You couldn’t ask for a better way to grow together as a couple.



Christian dating ideas can be a lot of fun. There are many different ways to spend time together, and you can even learn more about your faith while you’re doing it.


While Christians may not do everything that their secular counterparts do, that doesn’t mean we cannot enjoy life. If you’re dating someone who doesn’t glorify the Lord with their action, then it’s time to re-evaluate your relationship. Everything that you do as a couple must bring glory to the Lord.


That does sound overwhelming at first, but you’ll understand what it means as time goes on. Your walk with Jesus doesn’t end the day you walk down the aisle. Your life changes in the sense that the two of you are now one. The hope has to be that the dating process not only brings you closer to the Lord, but it produces someone with whom you can spend the rest of your life.

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