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Dating Tips For Women: Top 10 Tips


HomeDatingDating Tips For Women: Top 10 Tips

Regarding dating tips for women, one size doesn’t fit all. You can meet a young woman in her teens or 20s dating differently than a woman in her 30s and 40s. And while most women generally want the same outcome, there are certain things women in their 30s and 40s know about dating that they disregarded or simply didn’t focus much on while they were still very young.


All most every woman wants a perfect relationship and so do men but somehow, things don’t always work out that way. They can start ideally, just like in fairytales, but eventually, things just start to change and you just can’t help but notice something is wrong.


Many women say they put in their best but can’t make their relationship work. Some say they had no idea when the relationship started to go in the wrong direction. But in reality, women always know when it all starts.


Women know when something feels off and sometimes, women also convince themselves it is temporary or that if the man wants it to work, he’ll make an effort. Instead of women trusting their instincts and working on their relationship when things are going wrong, they sit in denial.


If a woman feels like something is not right, then something is wrong. Don’t hesitate or second guess your feelings. When something seems off, trust your instinct and talk about it. Communicating with your partner is the best way to overcome relationship struggles.


Though the best dating tip for women sometimes is to walk away and move on, you shouldn’t be in a haste to do so without first communicating. Relationships become stagnate because you and your partner aren’t discussing things that need to be discussed. You are ignoring your feelings and letting the relationship suffer the consequences.


The moment you begin to trust yourself and follow your instinct as a woman, you’ll be surprised by how great a relationship can be. 


10 Dating Tips For Women


If you’re looking for dating tips for women then you’ve come to the right place. Just keep these tips listed below in mind and your relationship can be what you always hoped for.


Most people who want a relationship aren’t ready for the responsibilities and commitment that come with it. But, with these dating tips for women, you will have a smooth relationship.

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1. Learn To Get Along With Your Man’s Friends

Men can easily be influenced by their friends. If his friends truly like you and think you are a good match, then he will be even more into you. Some little conversations a man engages in with his friends about his relationship and love life mean a lot and if his friends bring up negative or positive talks about you, your man (un)intentionally pays attention to observe.


If it’s something negative your relationship might come to an end before you know it. And if on the other hand, it’s something positive, then you sure are bound to take things to the next level.


Getting along with the important people in his life will make him feel relaxed and gives him even more reason to be happy with you since it also gives you an edge when they get to know you better.

2. Never Use The Silent Treatment (Men Can’t Read Minds)

If you think ignoring your boyfriend when he hurts you may seem like the best way to teach him a lesson then you are so wrong. The truth be told, silent treatment won’t make anything better. It will only leave you upset and leave him confused.


Speak your mind, you don’t expect him to know exactly what you’re thinking. It can be annoying, but you have to speak up when you’re upset or need something even if you told your guy something a thousand times over. He can only know what you want and need when he hears it.

3. Compliment Your Man

As the saying goes, ‘everybody loves a good compliment’, especially women. What if in this case the man gets a lot of compliments when he does something sweet, gets showered with praise for completing a work project, and you always let him know he looks nice in a certain cloth and colour.


Small compliments like this help a long-term relationship thrive. When you are in a relationship for a while, you can get used to each other. All the things you used to find cute can become normal or even annoying and letting the feeling of nothing is new anymore get the best of you can dull a relationship.

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4. Learn To Try New Things

Trying new things together reignites relationship bonds whether sexually or otherwise. Hanging out in the same place every time you go out can be boring. Your man might be unaware of it but as a woman, it is always easy to spot it out.


In such circumstances, introduce him to new places, try new things with your spouse like playing some nice games together, learn and experience new things together and add some spice to your relationship.


The same goes when you are in the bedroom. Try new positions and new ways to keep your sex life alive and exciting, and don’t ever stop communicating. Things can get stale in the bedroom if you don’t talk about what you want. Keep things exciting with new things.

5. Don’t Try To Be Perfect

There is no such thing as a perfect relationship because nobody in this world is perfect. No matter how amazing couples online may seem, there are always issues. Don’t try to avoid hard discussions or fights just to make it look like things are great when it’s not.


Society can often make us feel like we need to be the perfect partners, but the truth is that it is your relationship. You need to learn to be yourself. The moment you try to be someone you are not for a relationship to work, it becomes the beginning of the end of your relationship.

6. Trust Your Man

No relationship can work without trust. Though humans can be jealous over time but not trusting your partner will only lead to misunderstanding and push you both apart.


Work on trust. If it doesn’t come to you easily, take time and talk about it, and if possible, see a couple’s counsellor for help. Without trust, the relationship will crumble.

7. Talk About The Future

Whether you plan on getting married or having kids, you need to discuss the future in some aspect. If you just go with the flow all the time, you are just waiting for a time when your desires don’t align.

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Talk about how to grow together, your plans for the next few years, and if you’ll like to tour the world together and accomplish your dreams together. It is a great way to keep the relationship strong and healthy.

8. Learn To Accept Your Differences

You might not always get along or agree on the same thing. You may differ on small things like the type of movies you like or maybe disagree on something bigger like religion or politics.


If you want your relationship to work, you need to accept these differences and figure out how not to let those things get in the way of your relationship. If you can’t, they will repeatedly cause problems in your relationship.

9. Try To Take Some Space

Every relationship needs space, especially for women in the relationship. Guys also need their space even if they don’t ask for it. Women rarely ask for space, but you need it too.


You can’t spend all your time together. You have other people in your life that you need to focus on as well as focus on yourself. Make sure you aren’t letting your relationship take over your life.

10. Learn To Be Appreciative

A relationship does not just require you to do things for each other. You shouldn’t just assume anything. When your partner does something nice for you, be sure they know you are grateful. Simply saying thank you can make a huge difference in the success of your relationship.


This is a piece of relationship advice for women that often goes overlooked. Showing appreciation for your partner is never a bad thing.



Relationships and dating can be enjoyable when there is understanding. As a woman, learn to understand your man and also help him understand you. Follow these dating tips for women to strengthen your relationship and see how wonderful your dating life will be.

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