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First Date Questions: 10 Important Questions to Ask on Your First Date


HomeDatingFirst Date Questions: 10 Important Questions to Ask on Your First Date


Ever wondered what first date questions may be like? Perhaps,  you’ve finally secured a date with someone you have always had a crush on, and you’re wondering how to make the most of your first date with them. 

First dates allow people to get to know themselves better while having a great time in each other’s company.

This article outlines 10 first-date questions that are essential and would help you get to know your date better. 

10 Important First Date Questions

Most great relationships usually have something in common —a first date. Having a first date is a great way to kickstart a wonderful relationship with someone you admire or have a crush on.

Below are ten important questions that you can ask on a first date:

What’s Their Background?

Finding out relevant information about a person’s background is usually an ideal place to begin when on a date. However ridiculous as it may sound, many people get carried away or entertained by the company and fun they’re having on a first date. As a result, they neglect to ask questions about the person they are on a date with. 

It’s vital to ask about the background of the person you’re on a date with. Questions relating to their background can be as simple as asking, “where are you from?” or asking about significant events from their past that can help you know them better. If you remember anyone or anything significant from when you first met them or both of you have a mutual friend, talking about it can be a great conversation starter and would also help you know them better. 

What do They do for a Living?

Ask about what they do for a living. First date questions aren’t complete without these questions. It is vital to know what the person you intend on having a relationship with does for a living. The idea is to organize and prepare yourself mentally for a relationship with the person you’re on a date with, and this information helps you to do so. Of course, if a person is involved in an illegal business or has a shady occupation that you may not be comfortable with, they may decide not to tell you. However, proceed by asking them about work and work-related questions. 

In the same way, you may also be required to talk about the kind of work you do. 

Talking about what a person does for a living as part of first date questions can also help shed light on the person’s inclinations, interests, and passions which helps you know the person better. So, the first date is a great time to share what you both do for work. 

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Talk About Past Relationships

If you plan on asking first date questions, this must be included. Past relationships can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss with most people on a date, especially people who may have had unfavorable or traumatic experiences in recent past relationships. For other people who are not hurting or are looking to move forward with relationships, talking about past relationships can be a great way to unburden one’s self, evaluate past relationships, and share experiences on a first date. 

With a good sense of humor, this could be a fun conversation and the highlight of an interesting date.

What Are They Looking Out for in a Partner?

When out on a date, especially a first date, it is always best to find out what kind of partner the other person is looking for. This conversation would be about admirable traits and qualities of a person that would make them eligible for you to begin a relationship. 

Most people are secretive about this part of their desires to avoid people who would pretend to have the desired qualities. However, most people interested in beginning a serious relationship with someone are open about their expectations of the other person. 

If you want to ask first date questions, it’s important to realize that biological and genetic compatibility factors such as genotype, physical traits, etc., are also qualities that fall in this line of discussion.

All in all, the first date is a great opportunity to identify if the other party has the qualities you may be looking for or if you have the qualities the other person may be looking for in a partner.

What They Are Looking for in a Relationship

It’s no news that people want different things, so first date questions are necessary. Most people are interested in having a casual affair; others are looking for a romantic relationship that could blossom into a marital union. Looking for a serious romantic relationship that could lead to marriage and getting involved with someone looking for a casual affair could lead to heartbreak and disappointment. 

Hence, the first date is a good opportunity to identify what the other party is looking for in a relationship. This information helps you to guide your actions moving forward with the person. 

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Ask About Hobbies

Here’s another interesting question that is as important as first date questions. Similar to the occupation question, finding out what hobbies a person might have is one way to learn more about a person, and it helps understand the person better. 

Asking about what a person likes may not generally imply the qualities they are looking for in a partner, just simple turn-ons, love languages, gestures they appreciate, etc.

On the other hand, their pet peeves or dislikes would tell you much about gestures or actions that are a turn-off to them. Hence, these first date questions are great for setting standards for a starting relationship.

Ask About Their Plans and Aspirations

“Where do you see yourself in the next five to ten years?” is not only a question that should be asked at job interviews or seminars. The ability to plan and work towards their desired future shows maturity and responsibility. It also provides a sense of purpose to the individual, and as such, it should not be limited to the career or professional sphere. 

When looking to go into a relationship with someone, it is vital to understand the mental picture of the future that they have for themselves. Ask them about their aspirations, dreams, and the future they’re working towards. 

While asking first date questions, having a sound answer to this question shows that the person is mature and can identify what they want in life. So, it’s best to assess if their plans align with yours and evaluate how you fit into their future. Finding this out on a first date lets you know immediately if pursuing a relationship with them would be a great idea or a terrible one.

Ask About Personal Beliefs and Principles

Your first date questions are a great opportunity to talk about beliefs and other principles or ideologies they hold onto. This first date question not only sheds light on what kind of person they are, but it also lets you know whether they are the right kind of person for you. 

A relationship is majorly about understanding and It is best to be with someone who holds the same beliefs that you do, that way, they can make a better sense of your judgments, actions, etc.

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Ask About the Special People in Their Lives 

A first date question of this sort helps you see your date’s character in how they answer questions or talk about other people in their life. It helps to know what people they hold in high esteem, emulate and play an impactful role in their life. It could be parents, grandparents, spiritual leaders, or pets. 

These types of first date questions will also prove to be handy if you proceed to have or pursue a relationship with them after the first date. Introducing yourself to the important people in their lives can be one way to know that they are serious about you being in their life.  

It is also a fun conversation when they talk about memorable experiences with these special people on your first date. 

Ask About an Attribute, Achievement, or Accomplishment That They’re Proud of

These types of first date questions provide an opportunity to discuss what you both admonish and admire, things that make them unique, decisions they made that they are happy about or proud of, feats they accomplished, etc. 

Their answers to this type of first date question would have to be without modesty as this line of questioning helps you to determine what things they value or hold in high esteem. If you’re contemplating a continued interaction with them in the future, this first date question helps you to know and respect the things they have worked for or put much effort into. 

After all, is said and done, the popular saying about first impressions is usually true for first dates because this is an opportunity for both parties to have an in-depth impression about the person they want to date. Honesty also plays an important role on first dates. Being dishonest on the first date may create a bad impression and give the relationship a faulty start.  Hence, it’s best to be open about questions asked on first dates, as this sets the foundation for the budding relationship.
After asking these questions, what next? Discover the bible verses that talk about relationships.

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