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Online Dating Success -10 Proven Ways that Work


HomeDatingOnline Dating Success -10 Proven Ways that Work



Are you tired of not finding online dating a success? Have you exhausted all the techniques to find online dating successful? Or did you wonder if online dating ever works?

There are different online dating apps that you can use to find love and such sites are still being used on a daily – there are still some apps that are being used for flirts.

There are no restrictions to wanting to find love on a dating app, as you are coming from various locations though on a different purpose – maybe your aim is to find true love for a lifetime partner, another aims at finding friendship either short or long time friends but whatever be your motive make sure you are being intentional about it.

For someone who just left a 15-year marriage, you may be looking for a distraction to ease your hurts or if you just left a 10-year relationship you could be looking for another true love and a flirt-around love to hang with.

Finding love with the right person has never been easy but there is always another chance and place to find that special someone.

Statistics have proven that some people disperse online relationships because of fake personas while some still think that online dating is the best place to find love. Oh well, I’ve seen people who find their soulmate via social media and the love has been growing from one place to another.

Also Read: Online Dating 5 Pros and Cons You Should Have in Mind


The Right Mindset

The thing is this, the idea to find your perfect match is based on your mentality or the mindset you are up for.

If you open up your mind maybe just maybe you could find the successful right date via online dating. The reason some of you do not like online dating is that you could be chatting with a teenager instead of an adult – this hurt if you have put in so much energy.

To achieve online dating success, you have to be the kind of person that you would want to see – in this way when you see that soul-mate you would recognize s/he.

If you have been having doubts about how you can find love via online dating or you feel exhausted because of the emotions you have been through then this article is specifically for you and of course, the opportunity for you to have a successful online date.


Online Dating Success – 10 Proven Ways that Work

Carefully go through these 10 proven ways and have your online dating success drooling over you.


1. Be intentional about what you want

Being intentional in finding love is one of the keys to dating success apps – you have to say what you want confidently and work toward achieving that of course, the question should be; what intent do you have?

This is one of the questions that you should ask yourself – if you can give a convincing answer to this then your dating success is on the go.

Tell you what? It is now a trend that people go into dating with the mindset that ‘everybody go chop breakfast’ – you cannot go into a relationship with this perspective and want to have a dating success; you are what you say.

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You wouldn’t want your time, money and energy to be wasted -no one will intentionally want that excerpt of course you are up for a flirt.


2. Have a good photo

Putting up a clear and good profile is one of the proven ways to online dating success – it unfolds the good side of you with no filters or mistaken identity.

The good thing you should do for yourself is to be original as much as you can – put up a profile photo that best describes you and your complexion. Avoid the use of too much edited pictures or no editing at all for easy recognition during the first meet-up.

Don’t be the type that your profile picture will be far from your real self – because your true self will definitely come out.


3. Be Lovable

online dating success - Be lovable.

You don’t just sign-up for an online dating app if you do not have love. You have to be sure that you have the love to give back to the one who will love you – let your mind be ready to welcome a stranger who will become your soulmate.

Sometimes or rather most times, emotional baggage will make you deny yourself of the sweet love that comes your way if you do not let go of it before venturing into another relationship.

It is true that some people go into a relationship because of loneliness, lack of finance or you want someone to make them happy – of course, you have to be your own happiness so you can complement another.

To achieve online dating success, you have to have that which you want to see in another person – be your own vibes, have positive energy, have peace of mind and learn to communicate everything and anything and be a good listener.


4. Be friendly

online dating success - be friendly

When it comes to dating either online or offline, being friendly is one of the keys to success in a relationship – online dating has different apps and of course, you can chat with different people if you can.

You are the boss of yourself and so you have the right to chat with multiple people as you want – learn to build an intentional friendship.

Keeping different chitchats when you are online is a good one that could be to your advantage – if this energy doesn’t match with you, the other person’s energy will match with you; this helps you to achieve online dating success.


5. Know when to let go

Being on a date helps you to chat with people of different backgrounds, locations, races, shapes, and what have you – things could come up from attitude to not my spec to emotional switch and you have to let go if it is not what you expect to see.

As humans, as our faces are so are we; this will help you to realize that you don’t have to be liked by everyone, want by everyone neither do you have to fit into everyone’s scales.

There is some conversation that looks like a force which of course is usually one-sided, that point where it seems there is a communication denial – walk away while you can. There is some conversation that flows naturally embrace it while you can.

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She doesn’t want or like you are part of offline and online dating, I mean these thing happens on a daily – give room for the millions of those who want you to come in.


6. Be safe with yourself

online dating success - be safe with yourself

One of the things to do for oneself is to be comfortable with yourself, and build  – this helps to make online dating successful. You should learn to be safe with yourself this way it will help you to feel safe with a partner.

Some partners like it when you are safe around them, it shows that you can build the way together – this is how to build online or offline dating success.

As much as online dating can be in hast to know each other because it is done through phones or laptops; you would want to know ask some questions and then you want the answers immediately.

However, all information must not be shared immediately even if you have to it should be limited except you are safe with your sad.

Exhibit the act of when you want to meet up with the soul-mate and where and it should be done at your own will – this way you will be happy.


7. Have a high tolerance level

Online dating takes a lot of tolerance, time, and energy and as such, the person you want to meet should have the same tolerance – in this way you will not regret meeting with that person.

Although, this tolerance level happens to offline dates – if you do not get the kind of energy you put in, you will feel frustrated and wish you never started a date with that person.

To achieve online dating success, you have to be open-minded because you will meet lots of attitudes that will make you want to quit.

Tolerance will play an important role to get you to achieve that relationship success that you want to have. But then know the difference between having patience and wasting time – as much as you don’t want anyone to waste your time, don’t waste anyone’s time; time is of the essence.


8. Do not ignore red flags

You can have an online date and also have an offline date with no one monitoring or spying on your movement – just to get what you want. With the rate at which dating apps is rising on a daily, people are finding soul-mate for either short or long-term relationship.

There are people who wouldn’t want to compromise and there are people who want to compromise it all depends on individual differences and wants.

Datings is a lot of games to some people until they find who they want. Red flags are always their to read to those who want to read and to those who do not want to read it is left for you.

Red flags are attitudes in a relationship that you do not like that should be addressed immediately – ignoring it has done more harm than good.

Learn to pay attention to red flags if you want to achieve online dating success even offline dating.

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9. The conversation goes beyond pleasantries

There has really been a debate topic that is on the ground and as one who wants to find an online dating success – you should have an open conversation aside hello, hi, how are you and what have you.

When you want to have a conversation with someone and all you get is hello, how are you all the time you will get bored – I mean can you not go beyond that? Talk about something intriguing, ask questions about hobbies best places in the world, something beyond pleasantries.

Even in offline dating once the conversation is on pleasant levels for days to weeks to a month you will be bored – of course, you must not vibe with everyone and conversations flow naturally.

Most importantly, be yourself, and know when to limit yourself from what is not working,  as much as it hurts to let go but you will be glad that you did when you finally let go and move on.


10. Be Choosy and Specific

Being choosy is good at least you know what you want and who you want to be with – which is when you have discovered yourself.

Tell s/her your kind of person, what you like, what pisses you off, your favorite meal, best places, converse – you don’t expect s/he to know all of this if you do not talk, I mean he is a human being like you.

I have come to realize that in a relationship, some people will expect you to know things about them when you have not had a talk with them – some will want you to know that these things hurt them.

Let’s say oftentimes some of you will not know that you hurt s/he expect you are being told – the ways in which you analyze words or grammar is different from the ways in which I analyze words and grammar.

Learn to talk about what you don’t like, what hurts you, I mean to talk this is the reason you are in a relationship to know each other’s wants. Learn to choose your kind, yourself.



A relationship needs tolerance, time, energy, and communication to achieve success. Learn to have quality time together, understand each other’s wants, and know each other flaws if it is something that you can cope with.

Everybody has flaws, there is no perfect dating – you are the one to make it perfect.

Be with the person you can tolerate his/her flaws in a relationship; if the person changes or not you will still be with them.

Sometimes taking a break helps you to know what and who you want in online dating and to re-discover yourself – to connect and build the bond again.

Online dating will be a great benefit to those who do not always want to see their soul-mate around always and those who love long-distance dates – you all know where you fit in, find you.











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