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How to Survive Your First Year as a Single Mom


HomeLife StyleHow to Survive Your First Year as a Single Mom

How to survive your first year as a single mom, this is a question most women ask when they become single moms because raising a child alone is challenging especially when you aren’t adequately prepared for it. However, the first year is the most difficult time, after which you will adapt and become better at it

So, how do you survive the first year as a single mom? We have so much helpful information in this guide, read on to learn how you can maintain balance, nurture your children and thrive as a single mom. 

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How to Survive Your First Year as a Single Mom

How to Survive Your First Year as a Single Mom
Source: iStock

Prioritise Your Health and Well-being

It is common for mothers to neglect themselves in the process of catering to their children; if you are like this you will be drained all the time. So even while your child is very important to you, you need to prioritise your health and well-being, take good care of yourself, and seek medical help whenever you need it. Because whether you like it or not, if you are not healthy and strong, you can’t care for your child like you should. 

Have a Solid Financial Plan and Budget

One of the major challenges you may face as a single mother is financial issues, and sometimes, it may not be because you don’t have money; it may be due to a lack of proper planning. So, you must draw up an efficient financial plan in time and stick to it. 

Calculate how much you earn, save some money, and plan adequately for what is left. This way, you will live according to your means and avoid debt. 

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Adjust Your Priorities 

Most women are quick to assume the role of a superwoman even when co-parenting; they try to pull off a 9-5 job with cooking, cleaning and tending to the kids. However, this is even more difficult as a co-parent, now imagine how draining it will be for a single parent. 

You need to be realistic about what you can and cannot accomplish as a single mom. You don’t have to do everything by yourself, just prioritise your child’s needs, do what you can, and also consider hiring help to get the assistance you need. 

Plan for Emergencies 

When thinking about how to survive your first year as a single mom, you must prepare for emergencies because they are inevitable. Start by putting some money aside for urgent situations, and be mentally prepared so you do not react inappropriately.

In addition, ensure you have a first aid kit available and look for a babysitting service or friends within your vicinity who can always turn up for you when you are incapacitated.

Build a Support System 

Being a single mom doesn’t mean you must be alone; you can’t do it alone. You need to have people around you who love and care for you genuinely. Try to get close to family and friends who can offer support when needed because you need all the encouragement, care and love you can get to help you pull through during this time. 

How to Survive Your First Year as a Single Mom
Source: iStock

Ask for Help When you Need it

As a single mom, you know you are fully responsible for yourself and your child; however, there will still be so many situations where you need external help, and there will be things you can’t do by yourself, so you need to let people help you when the need arises. 

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If you have people around you who care for you, feel free to ask for help when you need it. Don’t try to do everything yourself. 

Take Responsibility for Your Affairs 

It is normal for people to attempt to control you and tell you how to live your life, how to care for your child and even what to do in every situation. There will always be someone somewhere trying to tell you what to do. 

While it is good to seek advice from people and listen to others, you must decide what is best for you and your child regardless of the many pieces of advice thrown at you from different corners. Because at the end of the day, you are responsible for your life, and you are responsible for your choices.

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Avoid Couple Envy

One of the things that can make you sad and unsatisfied with your life is comparing yourself to others and wishing you had what they have. As a single mom, you must avoid couple envy. It’s okay to admire a couple, but do not envy them because your life is different. Instead, learn to be happy and content with yourself to avoid unnecessary pressure. 

Be Kind to Yourself

Maybe you didn’t plan to be a single mom and you wish you could change it because one event or another led you to it. Still, you have to learn to forgive yourself, love yourself and be kind to yourself because mistakes are inevitable in life and some things are beyond your control. Do not push yourself too hard and shun all thoughts of negativity. This way you will be happier and you will be able to love your child better

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How to Survive Your First Year as a Single Mom
Source: iStock

Maintain a Positive Mindset

Being a single mom is challenging; sometimes, you may be overwhelmed and tired. But one of the best things to know about how to survive your first year as a single mom is to always stay positive and happy, not harbour negative thoughts or listen to negative comments from people. Instead, bask in the joy of being a mother and know that the challenges are only temporary. 

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Motherhood brings great joy and fulfilment to women regardless of how challenging it is to care for a child, and being a single mom doesn’t take away this joy, so approach this phase of your life with great enthusiasm and focus on the positive things. These tips will go a long way to help you have a good time being a single mom. 

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