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Online Dating Icebreaker – 50 Catchy Icebreaker to Use


HomeDatingOnline Dating Icebreaker - 50 Catchy Icebreaker to Use



Online dating icebreaker has never been easy, especially for someone who wants to find love via an online dating app.

To have a date with s/he can be an anxious moment because you are just meeting for the first time and you want to have a good impression – first impression matters; as the saying goes.

A first date meeting is about you being intentional about yourself and that special someone – how you will pull yourself through using an online dating icebreaker.

First date meeting will keep you all pretending because you want to poof to s/he that you are good from your dress to your facial expression down to your speech/eloquence – but don’t start what you cannot finish.

Of course, starting online dating, your first message should tell of you such as the kind of icebreaker that you would want to use to start a conversation and keep communication coming in. Remember, you need to keep a conversation simple, clear and intentional.

While on the online dating app, avoid boring text messages such as just hi, hello, hey with no accompanying messages – I mean it doesn’t convey a message properly obviously I would pass if I stumble upon such messages because you don’t have anything to say.

You should learn how to properly do an introduction of yourself either online or offline – it is a good conversation point to start online dating.


What is an Icebreaker

An icebreaker is a conversation starter that helps you to get to know each other when you meet for the first time.

Icebreakers also help to warm you up while in the space of each other before the normal conversation.

Learning how to do a proper introduction of yourself when meeting someone for the first time should not just work – it should be embedded in our everyday life.

However, it is one of the keys to self-development and as such dating online or offline should not be left behind if you want to have a quick reply to your messages either chats or text.

Again, messaging for the first time can be quite challenging because you want to sound all tush and sweet – but the baseline is to be yourself, be intentional and purposeful.

It is not always easy to create a connection between 2 people but even more difficult trying to dance to your tune or the turn of others.

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This is why this article is for you: online dating – an icebreaker to use to get a quick response. Stay glued.


Online dating Icebreaker – 50 Catchy Icebreakers to use to get a quick response.


  1. Can you tell me that one thing you did that you can beat your chest and say yes, I am proud of this, it is worth my energy and my time?

2. Tell me about something that you did very well – you got doubt from some friends but you really did?

3.  Have you ever felt or do you sometimes feel you wish you were a celebrity? which celebrity is that you wish for?

4.  Have you ever given a TED on education, inspiration or motivation? What was the TED-like?

5.  Have you ever travelled out of the country, what was it like?

6.  If you want to travel out of the country or probably relocate, what is your country of choice? and why?

7.  Did you have an argument with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Was it worth it?

8. Do you have a Pet name?

9. what kind of a pet name would you like and why?

10. What self-development have you worked on and what area do you still need to work on?

11. Do you think working on your self-development has moulded you to be a better person?

12. What has been your greatest strength for the past few years?

13. What has been your greatest weakness for the past 1 year?

14. what is the most hilarious thing you have done for the past 5 years?

15. Do you work out? What is your area of focus for going to the gym?

16. What is your kind of ideal home and how do you want to achieve it?

17. Adulthood has a lot of responsibilities from yourself to your folks to make decisions – if you are to go back to a teenager, what would you do better/that you didn’t do?

18. What is the advice that you would give to teenagers that you weren’t given?

19. Do you have a good relationship with your siblings if yes, how has it shaped you? If not why?

20. What is your favourite meal? Can you prepare a meal? How will it take you to make a meal?

21. What movie do you like and why do you like it?

22. How often do you get compliments from friends? Do you compliment friends?

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23.  Growing up, have you been part of a concert? how did it make you feel?

24. Describe your best and worst date? Have you felt embarrassed on a date

25.  Do you socialize? If yes, how does it make you feel? If not, why?

26. What are your favourite sports?

27. What kind of a life partner would you like, a career partner, and why?  a business partner, why?

28. Who is your best celebrity fan, male or female?

29. Do you like adventure? what part did you enjoy most?

30. What do you do when you are at your leisure?

31. What skill have you acquired and what skill would you like to acquire?

32. What time do you go to bed? are you a night worker or a day worker?

33. What is the one thing that you would change in your body if you have the power to?

34. What is your worst interview and why? What is your best interview and why?

35. What is your dream job?

36. What is the best way to describe yourself?

37. What kind of woman would you like?

38. What is your kind of ideal home?

39. How was your secondary school life like?

40. What kind of friends you had in your university days that you would want to have now?

41. Have you ever wanted something that you didn’t get, if yes what was it?

42. If you are given the power to turn back the hands of time, what can you bring or set right?

43. What do you enjoy drinking?

44. Have you ever been on a boat or ship ride?

45. What is your biggest fear?

46. What is that talent that you have that no one knows?

47. If you had the power to switch to the opposite gender, would you?

48. What fashion trends amaze you? And what fashion trend cracks you off?

49. What is your favourite music: Blues, reggae, gospel, hip-hop, and Naija music?

50. What kind of job do you wish existed and why?


Importance of an Online dating Catchy icebreaker

Online dating icebreaker helps you to have a relaxing space to get to know each other.

Online dating icebreaker warms you up before diving into a conversation – for clarity’s sake.

An online dating icebreaker is a conversation starter and as such, it gives room for a simple, easy, smooth, soft, and pressure-free moment in a conversation.

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A well-intended online dating icebreak can help to make way for a friendly conversation.

Using an online dating icebreaker will soften the communication for further initiative – for easy flow of eye contact.


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Online dating Catchy icebreaker bonus tips

Learn to have open-minded while communicating via online dating – this is one thing that people are attracted to that is yet to be discovered or has been discovered by some people.

Learn not to be unnecessarily aggressive or paranoid as annoying as some people could sound – have a peaceful and mind-blowing icebreaker.

Having a sense of humour puts you in more better ways to catch up with s/he via online dating – do it in the right ways.

Yes, positive styles come in to bridge the gap between overly serious or too serious people – I mean life is not that serious.

Knowing to use an online dating icebreaker helps to bring in laughter and of course, putting off the challenges – with humour will keep s/he coming back to you.

Like I would always say be the kind of a person that you would want to meet; leave no room for a shitty attitude – maybe some people like it shitty and some people like it simple and soft, meet your kind.



Online dating icebreaker is used to introduce a bit of yourself – sometimes it could be on your ‘about yourself or the first message you send.

Without an icebreaker, it is challenging to get to understand or initiate a conversation or create an easy flow of communication. Some people do not have the patience if the conversation is not catchy within a sec.

Online dating has never been easy neither is offline dating has as well – effort must be put in to get that love that you crave.

The first person to start a conversation has to use a catchy and simple online dating icebreaker – for a quick response to take place.

Putting up a creative icebreaker is a long way to getting a quick response via an online dating app.


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