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10 Tips For Creating Romance In Your Marriage


HomeMarried10 Tips For Creating Romance In Your Marriage

Nothing is more romantic than when you look for ways of creating romance in your marriage. Adding romance to your marriage is vital to keeping it healthy and happy, suppose a couple does not pay attention to injecting romantic ideas and romantic activities day in and day out.

After a long period, the passion in a marriage can begin to fade. And when that happens, they may feel stale, uninspired, and even be at risk of having an affair with someone throwing them a romantic glance from time to time.


Romancing your spouse isn’t as easy as it looks in the movies. What’s romantic to one person may not be the idea of someone else’s grand romantic gestures.


Romantic relationships tend to lose touch, you get busy with the job, the kids, the cooking, the cleaning, and all the everyday responsibilities. Then, you forget to put in the effort that a long-term relationship needs to thrive. You make relationship mistakes. So here is your wake-up call. You need to put effort into your relationship, a little effort in creating romance in your marriage goes a long way.


A romantic getaway isn’t the only way to reignite the spark in your marriage. Likewise, there are options beyond running to a marriage therapist if you’re disagreeing about vital issues. If you’re wondering how to improve your marriage, there are small things you can do that can have a big impact over time. Certain every day habits can bring you and your spouse closer, though you might not think of these on your own.


10 Tips For Creating Romance In Your Marriage

1. Make Time For Intimacy

One of my most powerful love tips for creating romance in your marriage is to not overlook the importance of sex. Intimacy is important in relationships and you’ll be glad you gave it the attention it deserves. If physical intimacy isn’t happening at least once a week, talk about it. Think of possible solutions to make sure you get your partner’s needs and your own needs met. Affectionate physical contact is an important part of a happy relationship.

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2. Know Your Spouse’s Love Language

You may have been projecting what you think is romantic to your partner without knowing how they perceive romance. This is where the 5 Love Languages come into play.

It may sound stupid, but learning your partner’s love language can do wonders in creating romance in your marriage if you figure out exactly how to romance them. 

The Five Love Languages to help you learn what your spouse’s priorities are when it comes to romance.

  • Acts of service
  • Words of affirmation
  • Quality time
  • Physical touch
  • Receiving gifts

Once you know your partner’s love language, be sure to practice doing it. This will show them that you are paying attention to them.


3. Spend Uninterrupted Time Together

There are only 168 hours in each week, the number never varies. The amount of time we offer our relationships can appear like a vote as to how much we value the people we say we love.

Romance like anything else worthwhile is worth investing your time and attention to creating romance in your marriage. Make sure you know the different definitions of romance that you and your wife have.


4. Display OF Affection

One of the most obvious ways for creating romance in your relationship is to display more affection toward your partner.

Make it a point to give your partner a long, tight hug and a big kiss on the lips when you see each other.  Kisses and hugs become mechanical and quick. Those hurried pecks and embraces don’t offer the same feel-good benefits longer stretches of physical intimacy do.

No need to set a timer, but do extend your hugs and kisses longer than you normally would, you’ll feel a new sense of connection. It will connect you and remind you that this is your particular person, and you are grateful for them.


5. Pay Attention To Your Appearance

When you’ve been with your partner for an extended time, a certain level of comfort comes with that. It means you don’t have to dress up as much. If you wanted to, you could probably wear your PJs all weekend and skip a shower or two, and your spouse wouldn’t mind. But just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

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Be romantic with your spouse by paying attention to your appearance. This is one of the sexiest and most romantic things of all. Make sure that your spouse still gets to experience you looking sexy, smelling great, and being confident. It is a great way of creating romance in your marriage.


6. Surprise Each Other

Couples need happiness to succeed in marriage, and coming home with a little surprise at the end of a long day is a great place to start creating romance in your marriage.

Gifts do not have to be expensive to be meaningful. A rose from the corner store, your spouse’s favourite chocolate bar, or a bottle of champagne for no reason are all sweet and simple ways to remind your spouse that you care.


7. Be Kind And Be A Gentleman

Kindness could well be the X Factor in romance and it’s a great way of creating romance in your marriage. Being kind is underplayed, undervalued, underrated, and certainly underutilized. Learn to make thoughtfulness and consideration your second nature. 

Stand up when she leaves the table, open the car door, walk on the street side of the walkway, help her on with her jacket, and run to the car for her umbrella.  Nice guys do finish first and she’ll fall for you all over again.


8. Compliment Your Partner

Make it a point to compliment your partner at least once a day. It doesn’t have to be a huge statement. Just a “How nice you look in that outfit” or “The dinner you are cooking smells delicious” will go a long way in creating romance in your marriage.

We sometimes forget that even in long-term relationships, we all need to be recognized and validated. Women who hear their husbands tell them they’re beautiful become more beautiful and men who tell their wives they’re beautiful believe it with more conviction every time the words leave their lips.

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Love expressed equals beauty and beauty equals romance. It’s a win-win. It doesn’t hurt to back up your words with a thoughtful text either.


9. Laugh And Play

Sometimes romance isn’t about red roses and instrumental music. Sometimes it’s about sharing an intimate moment like the moments you share when you make each other laugh.

Couples who laugh together report feeling more supported and satisfied in their marriage. They are also more likely to stay together than couples who don’t make a regular practice of laughing. Laughing and Playing together as a couple is another perfect way of creating romance in your marriage.


10. Be Willing To Learn From Each Other

The key is to see the other as a mirror and learn from the reflection how you can be a better person. When you feel upset, rather than blame your partner and point fingers, remain awake to what has yet to be healed in yourself.



Every long-term relationship or marriage goes through ups and down. If you have to put in a little hard work to start creating romance in your marriage, do it today. These small steps should set you on the right track to get that spark of love to reignite into a nice roaring fire.


Not everyone is born with the inherent ability to sweep their partner off their feet with romance but these romantic tips will bring back the needed romance and help you build your relationship stronger than ever. Romance may not be everyone’s cup of coffee, but it eventually finds a way when love blooms in a relationship.

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