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The Five Love Languages – How To Express Love to Your Significant Other


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What is your five love languages? How has it ignited your relationship? How would you express what you feel for your significant other so that it can be appreciated?

Love is an action word. The five love languages (physical touch, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, and quality time). are what every human should know because it makes the other person excited. how to express love is important – it should be an existing thing in a relationship during dating, human relationships, and marriages.

The thing is, no matter how many times you tell someone that you love them with nothing to back it up – the love will not be complete. The ideas of the five love languages are very straightforward by Gary Chapman, each having its meaning and expression of love. The love languages are yet to be ascertained on how it builds a relationship or courtship. there comes a time in life when you will want your significant other to love you the way you love them.

Love At Its Beauty

Love language will help you to express your heartfelt commitment to your soulmate. However, you would be surprised at what these love languages would do for you and your loved ones if well expressed. I’ve come to understand that people react to love based on how they understand. Indeed, you can’t give what you don’t have – if you don’t have love, you can’t give love.

Love is a beautiful thing when you are truly loved, cared and respected but this can only happen when you are with the right person.

Being with the right person doesn’t mean the person has to be perfect.  As such, you just look for a partner you can understand as much as they can understand you. Learn to see beyond their flaws, and be able to tolerate each other. Love is life and life is love.

This is why I am putting up this article to make you realize how the five love language can ignite the love you have for each other and build the best stay read.


The Five Love Languages – Gary Chapman.


1. The Five Love Language – Words of Affirmation


This is all about the words of affection you speak to your loved one e.g you look amazing, what a beautiful make-up you wear, that suit on you is dashing, I like your confidence, thanks for saying yes to me, you are the best thing that ever happened to me, etc.

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This kind of words of affirmation goes a long way to building love and trust in your love life provided it is how you want your love to be expressed. If it is not h/her love then your words of affirmation would come to nut.

Be attentive to the feelings of the other partner and do well to practice it. Some partners write/leave a note for each other to express their feelings which sometimes ignite love.


2.The Five Love Language – Gifts

What is your five love language? How has it ignited your relationship? How would you express what you feel for your significant other so that it can be appreciated? Love is an action word. The five love languages (physical touch, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, and quality time). are what every human should know because it makes the other person excited. how to express love is important - it ishould be an existing thing in a relationship during dating, human relationships, and marriages.

Gifts are one of the ways to express love to your significant other – are being neglected. On this note, you may not know what this gift would mean to h/her if you do not ask. The assumption is the mother of confusion, so it is best you have a chit-chat to find out the love languages of each other before gifting.

Some gifts could be flowers, perfumes, wrist watch, a teddy bear, jewelry, etc. To an individual whose love language is a gift, when this is neglected maybe on her birthday, Val’s day, or occasionally, it raises a hurt. Gifting does not necessarily have to be expensive. But if you can afford an expensive gift for h/her, why not?

However, what you can afford is the best gift provided it is what h/her likes that you are playing out for. Regardless, this sort of gift would show how much you appreciate and know your partner enough, more about the way you feel and the kindness of you towards her.


3. The Five Love Language – Acts of Service

Here is about how kind you are to your partner. E.g waking to make 7-am breakfast on a Saturday, assisting to wash the dishes, assisting to prepare the meal with her, carrying the baby with you in the middle of the night.

To an individual who appreciates an act of service, this kind of love act goes a long way to ignite the love forever. Just take the time to understand your partner. Your partner could cherish your love life through conversation which you should try to practice accordingly.


4. The Five Love Language – Quality Time

The Five Love Language - Quality Time

Here is another means to know who your partner really is. H/she would want to know if you understand her. To an individual who likes when the other partner spends some time with h/her.

Quality times could be to share an activity, watch the television at home together, go to the gym & spa, attend an event, play games, or go to the cinema. If this is h/her then you should give her that. Quality time with no distractions builds an intimate friendship in a relationship and marriage.

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When you are aware that one of the love languages is what your partner likes, then spend time with h/her. If knowing that your partner’s kind of love is quality time and you do not give them, h/her would feel hurt no matter what you give.


5. The Five Love Language – Physical Touch

Physical touch is the last and cannot be overemphasized in a relationship. Be it holding hands, hugs, kisses, romance, and sexual kind of feelings. Withholding this from an individual whose love desire is physical touch would leave them feeling all alone – this might not go well. Physical touch leaves a relationship or marriage together forever. It builds a bond between two partners who are genuinely in love.

Well, I think this part of love languages cannot be overemphasized because this is the part in a marriage that should not be neglected and every partner likes this part.

Also Read: How to Express Love in a Relationship

 Where Do You Fall-in

Identifying your partner’s love language is what you should do as an individual – it would help your partner to treat you right.

When you love and care for your partner, spend time to know who each other is, and know each other love languages then emotional trauma would be averted to an extent.

Furthermore, some people do not even know what their love desires are and this would not help your partner at all. You could ask yourself some questions such as; what is it that makes you feel loved? Does h/her kind of love language excite you? Do you crave gift and gets acts of service? If you could realize your kind of love, it is a win-win for you.


Love Is An Action Word

As seen that it is essential that you understand that person you claim to love. An individual shows love the way she understands love which does not go down well. To a partner who goes all out to make things work for both, works hard to live the kind of love they crave.

To another partner who does not care about the feelings of the other, let alone go all out for you, you would be demoralized being with such a partner. Knowing each other love words will help your love life.

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Knowing each other’s love language will help you have a strong bond and also shows how much of a caring person you are. It allows you to be purposeful about how you express love every day and not occasional.


A review

So there is this friend of mine; Cindy who has a fiancé (Daniel) that understands her love language as much as she understands his. These two love birds have different ways that they want their love to be expressed.  Cindy’s love language is words of affirmation, Quality time, and gifts whilst Daniel’s type is physical touch and quality time.

Daniel understands how Cindy cherishes this kind of love so he makes sure he doesn’t deny her of any. He also balances each of the three love that Cindy appreciates.

How he expresses this: they spend quality time together, go to the cinema, play games, take an evening walk, and attends event together. And he tells her words of affirmation – I love you, you are so beautiful, what an amazing lady you are, oh you are a gift to me. You can imagine how all of this would make Cindy feel, loved, cared and respected right? yeah.

While Cindy understands how Daniel reciprocates the physical touch each time they are spending time together. Daniel feels loved, cared for, and respected because Cindy understands his love and she reciprocates accordingly. This makes and ignites the love Danial and Cindy have for each other, builds a strong bond, and develops effective communication that would last forever.




Understanding your partner’s love language enables you to treat them right, and miscommunication issues will be averted. Know how best to reach your partner – it will build your love to a strong degree.

But the thing is that we often think that we love the person enough to know what their love language is. Like a partner whose love language is ‘words of ‘affirmation’ and then you show an ‘act of service’. The person may appreciate it but would love it more if it is the words of affirmation.

Understanding an individual’s love language allows you to best express love, and maintain the relationship as it grows. The five love languages cannot be overemphasized because it makes relationships, dating, and marriage beautiful and alluring.



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