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Green Flags in a Relationship – 10 Ways to Spot it.


HomeDatingGreen Flags in a Relationship - 10 Ways to Spot it.


Green flags in a relationship help you to discover who has the same matching energy as you are – and how positive the relationship will be in the future.

Knowing the green flags will help you to be intentional about yourself and your love birds so as not to waste your time, energy, money and what have you.

Green flags indicate that the relationship is healthy and has good intentions – it shows logos of booming dating that would grow into a long-term relationship or forever-to-go union.

Anyone who wants to build a happy or healthy relationship should look for the green flags for easy clarification and sentiments – of course, you want that person who loves you as much as s/he loves you.


What Is a Green Flag In a Relationship?

A green flag in a relationship is what shows that you and your intending partner are a match for each other- it shows that your partner’s words and actions match yours and s/he have your best interest at heart.

Green flags in a relationship help you to self-reflect on the intentions of your partner, it helps you to re-evaluate the kind of a relationship that you envisage for as to not waste your time, energy, and resources trying to see if it works or if the change will sprout from nowhere.

Green flags in a relationship help you to discover if the relationship is worth your space – because apparently, these green flags come clear in the partner when you meet them.

If you are really intentional about your space, time, and self, you would see the same in the other partner so as not to waste your time looking for what cannot be found.

Green flags in a relationship show you that your future goals, visions, and dreams align, having the willingness to meet each other needs – to reach a point of recognizable goals.

Green flags in a relationship is an important thing that should not be taken for granted if you want a happy and peaceful relationship.


Also Read: Relationship Goals: What Are They and Which Ones Should You Attain?


Green Flags in a Relationship – 10 Ways to Spot


  1. Open communication

Communication cannot be overemphasized in all relationships of human existence nor has it ever been wrong whether in a workflow environment, casual relationship, family relationship, or romantic relationship.

To have a good foundation with your partner, you have to be open to communication to talk about everything and anything – without involving a third party.

However, open communication is about how safe and comfortable you feel with the opposite gender – sharing your feelings and thoughts and acknowledging different opinions.

Communication should be on every aspect of things either on gratitude, disputes, chitchat, aspirations and expressing yourself wholesomely.

Communication is one of the green flags in a relationship – someone who is planning to build a love life or what is called a batter half with you should have a communication flow on everything and anything.

The way you build strong communication with s/he from the onset shows that you have matching energy and the visions and aspiration are also matched – these things are so glaring and clear if it is going to work or not.

The thing is, oftentimes, these green signs is glaring – no need to look for what cannot be found if you didn’t see it early before you start a relationship.

Communication is very important to determine courtship whether your goals, aspirations, and visions are in order – and of course, communication brings about feelings with the opposite gender.


2. Recognize the feelings of each other

As you intend to go into a relationship with someone, you have to recognize your feelings if it is on a mutual level or if it is one-sided – a one-sided courtship does not grow, and as such one person suffers it in the long run.

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All healthy relationships should know how each other feels whether at a bad time or a good time – and as such it will help you to analyze the progress of the relationship.

However, to know each other feelings, there should be core values, goals, and morals but then your intending partner does not have to agree on everything – if your partner should agree on everything with you then s/he is a child; course it is only a child who agrees on anything you tell him.

Knowing each other feelings helps you to understand each other better and stronger – this shows that you are compatible with each other.


3. Your goals and aspiration aligns

When your goals, aspiration, visions, and qualities in the opposite gender align then you would know that you have matching energy – if you do not see all of this from the opposite gender.

There is really no need to want to change someone into what one is not; sometimes if not most times people pretend to be what they are not until they get into the picture then they would display their real selves.

However, this does not mean that the intending party must have the 100% aspirations, visions, and goals that you have but if the person possesses 50% to 70% then compatibility is in order.

The thing is, wanting to be with the opposite gender whose, aspiration or matching energy is far from you is not usually easy to work and I don’t even know where you intend to start from seeing that none of the qualities has been there.

Again, aside from the basic core aspiration, visions, and goals you should have the kind of ideal home you want to build such as:


Raising kids

Relationship goals


Career Balance

Fun life and activities

Christianity and what have you.

“If your basic values, beliefs, vision, and dreams don’t match your partner’s, you are likely to spend your time building an empty house that cannot be completed.

These common values are:

Family background

Relationship roles and intimacy


Work-life balance

As you are planning to go into a relationship with the opposite gender who does not have the same core values as you do then there are no green flags to keep you going except if s/he is ready and willing to learn from you otherwise you would just be looking for what cannot be found.


4. Your future is on the same tracks

If you are planning to go into a relationship that leads to forever, of course, is about you wanting to know someone – every relationship has a destination but then it depends on the kind of a destination that yours is leading to “long or short time.

You must not have the exact future plans but on a scale of 50%, or 60% for easy compatibility in the long run.

Let’s look at this scenario I read:

A couple who dating for 2 years, got married, just a few days after the man posted “he is working in Lagos where he earns 200,000 monthly while his wife is working in Abuja and she earns 400,000 monthly who should relocate to meet the other?

Social media, Twitter posts. Now the question that would come to mind is what have they been discussing during courtship that they forgot to discuss or probably arrived at a conclusion about if they actually discuss it.

Being with someone whose future is on the same track as you helps you to know where you are headed and the kind of a person that you should spend your all together – to void beating around the bush.

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It is good to discuss your values with your partner, and identify and communicate as soon as you notice – instead of s/he would change and boom changes never come.


5. Your growth is your top priority

One of the goals of every relationship is to build growth individually and collectively – there is some gender that will help you to discover yourself on self-development, career, and purpose in life and also help you not to fall back.

Building growth helps you to understand your strength, weaknesses – it helps you to be responsible and accountable as you go in life.

Learn to appreciate and have a deep conversation – it gives you the edge to practice being open and teachable with your partner.

Being unnecessarily defensive has done more harm than good during an argument – it will not lead to a peaceful resolution.

Your growth has been a top priority and is a means to reach a happy ever after and it is a process that keeps going as long as you are committed to building effective relationship management, and problem-solving.


6. Putting s/he in your life

One of the green flags in a relationship is to make your partner part and parcel of you – of course you would both invest in the relationship from your life to your career, goals, aspirations, families, friends, and whatsoever your life is involved in.

This level of integration shows that you care about each other, you are intentional about each other, and you are kind towards each other making it easy for an adjustment where necessary for the future together.


7. You find peace being with her

Green flags in a relationship - you find peace being with her

Being with someone where you find peace is one thing that cannot be overemphasized – maybe some people do not like peace of mind while some people feel peace of mind is their top priority; whatever will not bring peace to them should not come near.

So if you are such a person who does not joke with s/his peace then being with the peace one is it.

You find it easy working with your partner such as going to Shoprite together, going to the gym, doing laundry together probably working in the same office together (which is rare to do) – doing all of this with your partner because it is a place where you find peace.

However, you have a life aside from your relationship and of course, learning to balance your relationship and career is one thing that should thoroughly be well drafted.

When you find s/he that gives you peace, things will go soft; the things that someone complains about will just be all shade of softness – it does not mean that everything will be rosy or sunshine but because there is matching energy from two humans.

Being with s/he who gives you peace of mind builds you in every aspect that you want growth either in your career, Christian life, self-development, intellectually, and what has like every opportunity s/he pushes you to be better.


8. Your trust is well balanced

having no trust is one of the things that has endangered relationships either from employers to employees or to a romantic relationships – when trust is lost in a workspace environment regaining it is usually a challenge; being honest with oneself helps you to be honest with others.

However, not having trust with s/he sometimes if not most times start from the initial stage; when your partner does not trust you, you would be uncomfortable being with such a person.

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Learn to not tell white lies such as small lies which lead to big lies small lies can end a relationship as well as a big lie – admit you did wrong when you do.

I have seen so many relationships that have no trust and believe me; it has not been any better – sometimes the female gender goes through the stress the most when the opposite gender losses it.

Building trust goes alongside open communication; when communication is open on everything and anything mistrust will not have room to penetrate – often times not having trust comes when the two parties do not communicate; giving room to third parties.


9. You say sorry when you are

I am sorry helps to build a relationship especially when you say sorry to those that you love; it allows them to feel more love, and you feel comfortable with each other.

From a real-life situation, you should know when you hurt someone, when you messed up – lets me say if you do not know that you hurt your partner and s/he tells you of course, you should be quick to apologize and not to claim the right or trying to find fault that doesn’t exist.

If you apologize when you are wrong, it will help you to get to a strong of your ideal relationship with each other and it helps to create a plan to avoid future misunderstandings of a similar kind and also convey the value that you have for each other.

It is one thing to say ‘I am sorry’ and it is another to mean to avoid similar repetition of such – learn to pay attention to your partner to know if it is coming from the mouth or lip; there should be total ownership and responsibility for your action.

There are ways to say I am sorry such as:

Being honest – how honest your words come out matters a lot.

Know what you did wrong – go straight to what you did.

Don’t delay – so that the healing from the offended can begin.

Taking ownership/responsibility – by not apportioning blame

Correct the attitude – the steps to take to avoid future mistake

Listen- it is okay for the person you wrong to express himself/herself so listen to the feedback.


10. Two parties Investing in the relationship

Investing in the relationship is a green flag from both partners; it shows that you are not dating yourself –no relationship starts with magic, it takes communication, action, good intention, and matching energy to build together.

He is not doing all the texting nor are you doing all the texting or putting in all the effort – the effort, care, and energy should come consistently.

There are some genuine ways to invest in a relationship such as


Invest quality time

Build trust

Appreciate and compliments each other

Bring out the best in each other.




In a relationship, the absence of green flags is a red flag that shows that you are not in the right space, and as such your stay is your risk – no one will tell where the shoe pinches but you.

However, in choosing a relationship, know what is not worth your time, energy, money, and peace thereby looking at the 10 green flags that I have mentioned therein.

Again let communication be your for step as you are about to climb so you do not lose your guide.




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