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7 Ways on How to Save a Relationship Without Trust


HomeDating7 Ways on How to Save a Relationship Without Trust


Suppose you are wondering how to save a relationship without trust. In that case, you should evaluate how trust impacts the success of your relationship before trying to revive it when it has long gone. Trust is like the glue that keeps the bond in your relationship, making it wax stronger and more. Once the glue falls off, one or both parties in the relationship may easily fall out of love.

Has the unthinkable happened in your relationship, and are you wondering how to revive the flame of love instead of letting it die prematurely? Then, this article is for you.

Not everyone is willing to save a dying relationship where there is no trust. But if you want to take the risk, read this guide to the end. You will learn why trust disappeared initially, the possibility of saving a relationship that lacks trust and the practical steps to take to protect your relationship. Enjoy!

What Causes Lack Of Trust in a Relationship?

No matter the health of your relationship, there is always room to build trust. However, how to save a relationship without trust may be faster if you know what caused the lack of trust you are currently facing. Here are some common reasons for a lack of trust in a relationship.

  • You are still thinking about past hurts

This is one of the popular reasons for lack of trust. If you have been hurt by past relationships and learnt some lessons the hard way, you may want to apply more wisdom in your current relationship.

This may have pushed you to become too rigid and always be suspicious of your partner’s activities or conversations. To protect yourself from being hurt and repeating the “mistakes” you made in your past relationships, you may subconsciously end up hurting your partner.

  • Unrealistic expectations

Whether you have unrealistic or unclear expectations, both can affect the trust in your relationship. To know how to save a relationship without trust, it’s essential to get your expectations right and ensure they are attainable. See the best way to express love in a relationship.

Secondly, it would help to avoid keeping your partner in the dark regarding these expectations. Instead, let them know what you expect from them and how it could foster the success of the relationship in the long run.

  • You do not give trust
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Trust in a relationship is all about giving and taking. If you don’t trust your partner for whatever reason, it may also be difficult for your partner to trust you. Especially if they realize you don’t trust them, they may withhold their trust automatically.

The plain truth is that if you cannot give trust, you can never earn it. It’s that simple!

Can a Relationship Survive Without Trust?

Now that you probably know why trust is lacking, before trying to find out how to save a relationship without trust, it may help if you know whether a relationship can survive without trust.

Since trust is one of the essential ingredients of a successful relationship, you may likely experience an unstable romantic relationship without trust. No doubt, there is a strong link between trust and respect. They go hand-in-hand. That is why it’s easy to lose respect for someone after losing the trust you had for them.

Most relationships survive a few days, weeks, or months without trust. However, it depends on the resilience of one or both parties. There are only a few instances where a relationship survived without trust for years. But do your research into how it fared. You may likely discover that such relationships were characterized by severe emotional and physical abuse, assault and other forms of misconduct before it eventually hit the rocks and crashed.

How to Save a Relationship Without Trust: Tips That Work

At this moment, you may have realized the bitter truth. That your relationship is simply not going to work without trust. And you have resolved to learn how to save a relationship without trust. The first thing you should do is rebuild trust. Here is how to do it.

How to Save a Relationship Without Trust: Communication is Key

For many reasons, you could learn how to save a relationship without trust if you focus on reviving the weakened communication channels in your relationship. Most of the problems in your relationship stemmed from foundational problems that existed for a long time but weren’t addressed due to a lack of communication.

Emotional issues can quickly become big problems if you don’t communicate properly with your partner. Little wonder it is one of the building blocks of a failing relationship.

Sadly, no one is born with this skill. You may know how to communicate in theory but suck in practice. Therefore, you and your partner must learn practical communication skills and apply them to your relationship to rebuild trust.

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Learn How to Trust Again: Take it Slow and Steady

One of the tips you should know if you want to learn how to save a relationship without trust is to avoid rushing things while rebuilding trust.

Without trust, you may feel distant from your partner. That’s natural. It would help if you didn’t begin to fight this feeling because you want to build trust once again. Allow the instinct to come naturally. Don’t just jump into the swing of things and assume your partner is not a perfect being and can now be trusted without reserve.

Even an apology from your partner isn’t enough to strike this fact out. When you don’t feel pressured to trust, it can come naturally and grow without your notice. And before you know it, you and your partner had become two love birds again, just as when you first met.

Be Honest With Yourself: A Relationship Without Trust Has No Future

Forget about your beliefs. Since you now want to rebuild trust, you must understand that it’s non-negotiable if the relationship must survive.

Since you love your partner, you may be tempted to give them a chance to earn your trust back. But unfortunately, this could make you ignore those “tiny red flags” that made you suspicious of their activities. But to make things work, you have to make your partner accountable for their actions, so they don’t relent in their efforts.

This also means you must set boundaries were necessary during the trust-building process. Love should tempt you to let your guards down. Let them know what you can’t tolerate and what you can judge as a “little mistake” in the relationship.

The relationship is a two-party thing! So it would help to encourage your partner to set their expectations and not keep you in the dark about it.

Avoid Lying to Eliminate Mistrust

There is no faster route to ending your relationship than lying to your partner. Lies are like brooms that sweep away trust at will. When you lie, it breeds mistrust. And your partner may no longer take your words for it.

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Lying could also make your partner realize that you aren’t trustworthy. And if you push them to the wall by making them withdraw their trust, it may take forever to earn it back. So now that you want to know how to save a relationship without trust, you should focus on being honest in your words and actions.

Keep No Secrets

If your partner needs to know something about you, don’t hide it or give flimsy reasons why they shouldn’t bother about it. Hiding things from your partner kills trust and could tempt your partner to begin hiding something from you too. Since two wrongs can never make a right, it’s essential to be open about events in your life and your activities too.

Be Forgiving: No One is Perfect

When a relationship lacks trust, it’s mostly characterized by blame and conflict. Therefore, resolving to save it means you are prepared to do away with nagging, blaming and letting go of anger. However, forgiveness should come naturally and must never be forced.

If you wronged your partner, allow them to decide to rebuild the relationship with you rather than trying to convince them to forgive you. When you or your partner forgives freely, it gives a sense of responsibility. You will both realize that you now have a role to play in reviving the relationship, and that is where the rebuilding process starts.

Accept What You Can’t Control

Avoid thinking that things will always fall in the right places in your relationship. There will be ups and downs and different situations that will test your patience. But realizing that you can’t always have it all is the beginning of rebuilding a fallen relationship. It’s best to learn how much you can’t control and forget about the others.

Final Thought

A relationship without trust is like a dessert without sand. It will lack base and easily fall off by the sight of little challenges. Fortunately, this guide has revealed how to save a relationship without trust. So now you should know what to do when trust seems to be a big problem in your relationship.


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