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Make Him Miss You – 10 Ways To Capture His Heart


HomeDatingMake Him Miss You - 10 Ways To Capture His Heart


Love is a beautiful thing, everyone wants to love and be loved. Perhaps you are looking for a technique to make him miss you or want more of you? As a female, Do you desire a man who will always want you around him? A  man who will always crave to be with you every second, every minute, either in person, through text, calls, or chat apps?

It is all good and natural for every woman to want all of these cravings from her man. To make a man miss you is not all that easy because a man is a complex being that does not always want to be disturbed except if he calls or yarns for it.

As much as too much absence would make him crave for you, too much absence would also make him look elsewhere. Of course excess of everything is bad so do it moderately not to be on the losing side but winning side.

If you want a relationship that will be easy-going, void of quarrels with less drama, and still maintain your peace of mind with less stress. Then getting him to miss you is one of the spices you will want to add to your relationship – you are on the right article.

It feels good to always maintain healthy, peace, love, and be loved right back. So here is an article to know and apply on how to make him miss you, stay read.

Here are 10 ways to make him miss you

1. Make Him Miss You – Communication

Make Him Miss You - Communication

Communication is the number one to make him miss you. Like it sounds, communication is the bedrock of human existence and relationships. How well do you communicate with him? How mind-stimulating are your communication levels with him? Can he have a decent conversation with you? Is his communication safe with you? All of these questions have been neglected and are rare to find in some girls.

Learn to communicate right with him because a girl who can have a decent conversation with her man is a win-win for that man. Just imagine he calls you for advice or viewpoints that would be of importance to him. If you’ve got this kind of communication level then you would make him miss you every single day.

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2. Do not always be free

It is true that when you are in love with him you would want to always spend time with him. But to maintain that love you want him to always have for you, then you should not be free constantly.
Not being free doesn’t mean you should not be free to help him when he need help. Of course, if you are always not free to help he would look elsewhere.

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It is necessary to always spend time together to get to know each other to an extent. But it is important to give some space at least you should occupy yourself for this space so he doesn’t feel you are unnecessarily doing it. Not constantly being free is one of the ways to make him running to you.

3. Have funds for yourself.

Make Him Miss You - Have Funds For Yourself

Having your funds is one of the ways to make him miss you. Learn to spoil yourself pretty well, let him see that you could afford yourself to an extent. Develop a self-care routine where you go out to spend on yourself.
This would leave you attractive and he will always want to be around you. Every man wants a good-looking woman who can afford herself no matter how little.

If you can afford why not if you cannot then you should live within your means – not always ask him to because he would use that to make you come around and he would not miss you. Having funds for yourself is one of the means he will always want your kind of a girl.

4. Make Him Miss You – Being yourself


Here is another part that would make him want you more ‘being yourself. Men appreciate women who are themselves, are confident, have charisma, and own themselves. With all shades of vibes, Being yourself for who you are keeps him thinking about you.

As a lady, wouldn’t you want a man who is himself?
Who’s confident? Of course yes. When you fake who you are is only going to be for some time and when he gets to find out he would leave you. Being yourself before him makes you his bragging right and if you are compatible things will fall in place for both of you.

Don’t fake yourself as a way to make him love you, such things do not last. Being yourself gives you your bragging right.

5. Make Him Miss You – Be self-sufficient


Yes, being self-sufficient is one of the ways that would make him see you to be different from other girls. This is what most girls do not know, always dependent on your man to provide for you is not all there is.

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The moment you start to be self-sufficient, you do not ask him for the tiniest thing to buy it would make him value you. Erase that mindset that he’s a man and that one of his responsibility is to provide for you.

Yes, he would provide for you but no man would want a liability in a home. Learn to fend for yourself, be able to afford your shopping, take yourself out, and buy yourself a gift and this would always make him to think highly of you.

6. Always wear a smile

Make Him Miss You - Wear a Smile

Who wouldn’t want a cheerful girlfriend, always genuinely smiling. Guys like this kind of girl because they are rare to come by. If you are always cheerful, and fun to be with he would always you around.

Your smiles and cheerful look will keep you in his heart, you know how you feel when you see a smiling man or fellow. Is true that guys do not smile as often as girls do, so when he sees that smiling face he would always want you around – this would capture his heart. His love for you will ignite always.

7. Make Him Miss You – Be a gift to him


Here is another way to make him miss you – showing him how valuable you are. Tell him that you are a spec that every man would want to have as a girl. If he gets to realize that you are the kind of girl that everyone would want to be around with, he wouldn’t take you for granted.

While he is with friends he would tell how much of a gift you are to him, how you have brought so much into his life, trust me no man joke with such a girl and he would not let you out of his mind.

8. Have a dress sense


Men are attracted by what they see, yes a dress sense. You do not need to dress to entice a man I mean you could dress responsibly and beautifully. Know how to combine colors, know the right outfit to wear to the right occasion, and the right make-up to put on.

Dress simple yet smart. Men love a decent and neat dress on ladies, dress you. Don’t dress to impress him because he might not be impressed – this would make you feel frustrated but dress you. Fit into your dressings always.

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9. Make Him Miss – Give him peace


This is one of the highlights so far, peace of mind. Like I would always say whatever distorts your peace of mind should be avoided. And this applies to him as well, if you are the kind of girl that is always quarreling, fighting, and arguing here and there then you would be chasing him away.

But if you are the kind that he finds peace being with, he would always miss you. Who wouldn’t want to be with someone whom he finds peace with? Peace of mind is everything and he wouldn’t want to miss that. So learning to be a peaceful girlfriend, a girl who makes him happy as much as he does. This is a win-win for him and he would always miss you every day.

10. Avoid unnecessary competition


Avoid competition is one of the trends of so many girls on social media, unnecessary competition here and there is now the order of the day – living above your means. No man would want to have a girl who goes all out to compete with her friends of course that would lead to a materialistic lifestyle.

If you want him to miss you, you should be inspired with your work, build yourself, and be purpose-driven for future sake. If as a girl competition is far from you then you would make him miss you every day.


With the 10 ways I have listed, it would make him miss you every day. Of course, a man knows who he wants regardless of his busy schedule.
Nevertheless, communication is one great tool you should embed in your relationship, mind-stimulating communication at that is a turn-on to make him miss you.

Learn to have a listening ear with him for the connection to resonate between you especially in a challenging moment so that when you are not around, he would always miss you.

If you miss him and you want to know if the feeling is mutual – you want him to feel more of the missing then you have to do the huge lifting. The reason is that a man’s psychology function differently. But then your self-esteem would fly in here to make him miss you.

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