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9 Things Guys Should Do Before They Propose


HomeLife Style9 Things Guys Should Do Before They Propose

The things guys should do before they propose greatly need to be considered whether you’ve been dating your partner for a few months or several years and might be wondering when you should propose to her. Suppose you’re extremely excited about this prospect and ready to ask your spouse the big question but you’re not sure how you feel about it, it might warrant asking yourself a few important questions before you propose to her. You must understand yourself and know what your heart desires.


Considering all that, the proposal for a man is an ongoing process with many months of preparation. This could turn into the best thing that has ever happened in their life or the biggest rejection so there are things they need to take into account before posing the question “will you marry me?”.


As a guy, the time between his decision to propose and finally doing it is rife with questions about what the future might hold. But that’s not a bad thing at all. A guy should make sure he is comfortable bringing his partner into his family. You have to make sure you can be yourself with your partner and that you’re willing to spend the rest of your life with her.


It is necessary to consider what guys should do before they propose. You wouldn’t want to pop up the question of a lifetime to your partner and get rejected for doing something wrong. We have put together this article just for you so relax and read through, you will surely learn something that might just save you from an embarrassment of a lifetime.


9 Things Guys Should Do Before They Propose


1. Consider If You Both Are On The Same Page

The spontaneous proposal is lovely, but the idea of marriage shouldn’t be a surprise. You can start by talking about a friend who recently got engaged. Ask how your partner feels about marriage. Find out what hopes and dreams your partner has for the future.


This might seem obvious, but before you start plotting, it’s important to make sure you both have marriage in mind. Talk to your partner about the future. Let them know that one day you’d like to be married and ask if they see marriage in their future too. If you’re both pointed in the same direction, you’ll not only have a successful proposal but a long, happy marriage.

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2. Have A Conversation With Her Parents

This might seem old school but it is Important. Maybe it depends on the family. If your partner has hinted in any way that you need to ask her parents for her hand in marriage, do it. That doesn’t mean your partner is anyone’s property though. Try telling her parents how you feel about their daughter, and that you both would want to spend your lives together. Let them know you plan to propose to her and want them to be involved in this exciting moment.


Getting her parents’ approval makes things easier and it is also a sign that you are accepted into the family.


3. Consider Living Together

More than 60% of couples live together before getting married and for good reason. Not only does living together before marriage has economic benefits, but it’s also the best way to test your compatibility with each other.


It’s important to learn the good, the bad, and the ugly about your partner. Their weird habits, their cleanliness, their morning routine and make sure you’re domestically compatible. If you can’t or don’t want to live together before marriage for personal reasons, perhaps due to geographic location or religious reasons, you should at least aim to spend weekends together.


4. Talk About Your Sex Life And Intimacy

A guy needs to discuss his sex life with his partner for them to understand and know how compatible they can be when it comes to intimacy. 


If you’re not enjoying the sex you’re having with your partner then you should reconsider your proposal. Relationship experts agree that sex is the glue that keeps a marriage together and the ultimate difference between a marriage and a friendship. If you have issues with sex, get them out in the open now, it’s best to talk about it and clear the air before proceeding with the proposal plan.

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5. Make Clear The Reason You Want To Get Married To Her

While this seems like a rather obvious question to be asking yourself before you propose to her, it can be very helpful at times. It might seem like you you love her, but love isn’t the only reason to get married, it’s about your quality of life. Getting married and starting a family because everyone else is doing it isn’t a good idea and peer pressure can be difficult to deal with. At the end of the day, your decision and reason to be with her needs to be something you’re truly happy with.


6. Try Playing The Name Game

Before you propose to her, it is necessary to have a conversation about any name changes. You might assume your spouse is going to take the traditional route, but these days, we’re seeing people take so many different paths. It’s best to visit the topic early. Whether you decide to take your spouse’s last name, keep your own, combine the two, create a new last name, or choose something else entirely, consider the implications for both of your families and any future children that might come from your marriage.


7. Talk About Kids

The conversation about kids is an important one. You should talk about having children in the future whether you both want to have them or not, and if you do also consider how many you both want. Share your vision before you exchange vows.


Having children is a huge commitment. You commit both personally and financially, for the rest of your lives. Couples go into marriages thinking it’s something they can work out later, or one thinks they can change the other person’s mind, but it rarely ends well. It’s important to agree on this one from the beginning.


8. Consider If You Handle Finances Efficiently

Next to sex, money is the biggest generator of problems in every relationship including marriage, it can easily lead to arguments and resentment in long-term relationships.

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There can be different financial habits like one who likes to save and the other who spends more or doesn’t keep track can become a source of argument. You can both decide to split expenses evenly, or work out a percentage share if your incomes are different. But don’t wait until you’re married to have the discussion.


9. Consider If You Can Both Grow Together

Last, but not least, you should try and picture yourself growing old with your spouse before you propose to her. If it’s easy to imagine, great. If not, you might want to question whether or not she is right for you.


Look at how you and your partner navigate growth points individually and together and think about what it would be like to go through tough growth with this person. 


Ask yourself if you’re ready and willing to face those challenges and if they are also ready and willing to face those challenges with you as well. If the answer is yes, proceed with a little caution, but if the answer is no or you’re not sure, consider taking more time to decide whether or not you’re ready to propose to her.



Love is in the eye of the beholder. Though we have given you some tips on things that guys should do before they propose, it is also necessary for you to consider how you truly feel about your spouse.


Sometimes. The love you both share can rule out every other negative feeling and other times it might just be the opposite and make things in the relationship worse. The relationship is yours and a person who wears the shoe knows where it hurts most so try sorting out the things that matter most to you before you make the big decision.

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