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Online Dating Lines – 10 Best Opening Lines to Use


HomeDatingOnline Dating Lines - 10 Best Opening Lines to Use



Online dating lines have never been better, you would feel uneasy trying to chat with someone either via online dating apps or offline meetings – of which things would look pushed and pressed because you want to keep the conversation coming in.

However, all of this happens on a daily when you meet someone, and creating communication is the part you have to play to get to know someone – communication goes beyond pleasantries such as hi, hello, and greetings.

If you want to start a conversation on a dating app or face-to-face conversation with someone you like it is better you have a great way to start and end a conversation – learn to communicate properly.

Exchanging pleasantries to asking a question is a good way to start a conversation of course a question will definitely have an answer – but a statement is more like to weaken a conversation and can easily have a look off.

More so, if you are confused about how to start a conversation you could look at the profile picture, and the bio and figure out what to ask or maybe about the look, anything responsible is a good start. Like I would say ‘someone who asks a question doesn’t miss his/her way.

You cannot go wrong when you ask questions provided you ask politely, humanely, and responsibly.

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Online dating community

Dating can be competitive either online or offline, especially for ladies who think they have to be in a relationship at every point in their life till they are married.

You can be in a relationship to pepper someone, to distract yourself from someone or something, to have someone to lean on, because of what you can gain, or a relationship that will lead forever.

The male gender seems to have a thing for online dating, especially the ones who have heard from their friends to have found the girl. You need to put up a profile that will speak well of you or attract the kind of person you want – for men who are moved by what they see, you need to make your profile dashing.

Putting up a good-looking profile goes both ways for males and females – everybody loves to see a good-looking human to be sure of the kind of person you are first before initiating a conversation.

To initiate a conversion from both genders is not always easy considering the fact that you just met – you don’t know what s/he gets irritated with or what turns s/he off.

You need to be acquainted with the online opening lines to grab the attention of the opposite gender to get started.

When it comes to dating either online or offline, I think you should be you, act you, behave you – the reason is as much as you pretend to be who you are not, is not going to last long for the other person to discover that you are not what you portrayed to be.

Therefore be you, know how to make a good impression of yourself, there is a saying that first impression matters – well, I don’t know how true it is, or maybe it is true most times or sometimes but it is a stepping stone to meet someone.

Generally, you should have good communication ethics, the reason is some people do not know how to converse like you would see a beautiful profile hoping that the communication from such a beautiful profile will be as decent as the profiles look, and then boom it is not what to write home about.

Some people, no matter how well your profile looks, if your communication doesn’t sound decent to them, they are off.

This is the reason I have carefully written this article ‘online dating lines – 10 best opening lines to use for you. Stay glued.

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Online Dating Lines – 10 Best Opening Lines to Use


  1. Hello & Hi

The hello & hi has become a normal way of greetings some people while some people like it to be just good morning.

Maybe you are the type that would like ‘good morning beautiful or good morning princess’ as some men would fondly call a lady and of course, ladies get attracted to such names – it makes them feel the baby girl’s nature.

However, hello & hi has never gone wrong to initiate a conversation and it is the easiest traditional opening line that you can send while trying to meet someone in an online dating app.

Hello, my name is Isabel will definitely get a reply from the other parties – how you start a new conversation matters a lot and as such, it also determines the kind of a reply you would get.

If you are the one to initiate a conversation, be ready to properly initiate a conversation – if the opening lines are dry the conversation will not flow. Let your conversation not be the type that turns s/her off.


2. How to use a GIF

GIF – Graphic Interchange Format is one of the files that is used to send messages, especially moving images – this GIF should be properly used to initiate a conversation so that the other person doesn’t feel offended.

There is a way that you would use this and you wouldn’t get a reply – there is a simple GIF that you can send to the opposite sex and boom you’ve got a reply and there are some GIFs that you would use the opposite sex will not even show that s/he got the message let alone to reply you.

There is some GIF that has a hey or hi or you could get a GIF with some form of greeting wave – try not to send a boring or offensive GIF so the opposite sex does not feel offended – some people can be overly sensitive.

You could pick some clues from the photo to know the kind of GIF that would attract a reply with no delay. Like me I don’t like a boring conversation no I dont – is either it is the vibing or worth replying for or no reply at all.


3. Know how to Ask Questions

The simplest way to keep communication coming in is to know how to ask some necessary questions – it eases the flow of conversation.

Your question should not be based on ‘how are you always I mean that is kinda boring – getting to know s/he, you should know the questions that should be asked. Questions give rooms to answer and the communication flows – would you not want to know about the kind of soulmate that you want to be with?

Some questions can be:

What kind of soulmate would you like?  what is your area of skill? What interest you? What are your passions and what have you? Ask questions based on the bio or facial appearance on the profile.

Of course, this question is an avenue to know if you two are headed in the same direction and if your goals, visions, and careers are in order.


4. Check up on that special one

On online dating apps, this is one of the best opening lines to use that shows that you care enough to want to be with them.

This part is not gender base and should not be gender base but some ladies have made it one of their dating rules to not check up on the opposite sex. Dating is two ways of communication and as such checking up on him is a good way to show that you care I mean he is as human as you and he deserves care just like you do.

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Learn to ask s/he how was your day, and give room to wrant for each other – wrant helps you to ease yourself after the days hustling and bustling.

To check up on s/he is a good way to create a bond and communication that will last forever – a pick-up line to that special someone you care about.


5. Have a sense of humor

Being the kind of a person that you would want to meet can not be overemphasized – having a sense of humor is one of the online dating lines that you should use to be with that special one.

Learn to wear a smile, life is not that serious, I mean you shouldn’t be the type that wears a long face maybe it is how you want it but wearing a smile gives a different kind of ambiance.

You don’t have to be overly serious, or you are the kind of person that no matter how someone tries to make you smile, you wouldn’t smile – well, I dont know how people do this but for me good smiles are therapeutic.

A sense of humor is it, learn to have it always – it helps to build a healthy relationship either online or offline.


6. Know how to give a good compliment

Presently I’ve come to know that some people do not know how to give a compliment or some feel that compliments make people feel proud of themselves, while some people hoard compliments for reasons best known to them.

A compliment should not be something that you keep to yourself – it’s okay if you don’t know how to give compliments and you are willing to learn.

A compliment is one of the online dating lines that you can use to bring out the best in that special one – it could also be a means to loosen up from low self-esteem.

You could have these compliments through such as ‘hey beautiful you look stunning, hi handsome you look good.

With compliments, your dating line could spark up a good expectation of what could last forever.


7. Have some Romantic word

Being all romantic helps to spice up a date either online or offline – Knowing the right way to be romantic is the best thing that you can do to spice up your dating lines.

More like ‘ hey handsome, how are you? I’ve missed you.

Hey babe, how have you been, you are the most amazing person I’ve met.

Being romantic makes s/he know how much you care and you are proud to be with them.

Being romantic helps you to connect and the Bonds that you will share – it also helps you to know if you are romantically compatible with each other.

When s/he hears that you have missed them, it gladdens their heart – being romantic helps to achieve the flow in your relationship.


8. Have self-confidence

Having self-confidence helps you to trust yourself and your partner – learn to focus on what you can take control of, and your soulmate should give you rooms to trust them.

Self-confidence helps you to know your worth, be the best version of yourself, and know what you deserve and what you do not.

Hence self-love and self-care goes a long way to help you to know how to love and care for others – you can’t give what you do not have and there is no a no better way to say this.

Self-confidence is one of the bold online dating lines that attract you to who you want to meet, it strengthens your communication; I mean if you do not have self-confidence well, I do not know how you intend to initiate a conversation let alone have a deep conversation either online or offline dating.

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Confidence helps you to discover yourself and then to discover the kind of person that you would like to meet via online dating.

More so, self-confidence helps you to loosen your expectation the reason is this, recently I have come to know that we expect too much even what we are not to expect – and when such bags of expectation is not met it invariable create hurts.


9. Have a breath of originality

Originality is who you are, the qualities that you exude, and how you want to be respected – the reason you should be genuine is, no matter how you put up with a fake living, is not going to last for long.

Being real to yourself helps you to have a strong and true relationship with yourself and relationship with who you are meeting through online dating and it is a strong dating opening line for you to know the kind of partner that you want.

Being genuine helps you to grow personally and collectively, it gives room for your values to stand, chase new goals and hobbies, and set healthy boundaries.

When you are genuine with yourself, your self-esteem will boost more and you will not deny yourself to always want to share that good aspect of your.


10. Have you ever fallen in love?

This is one question you should often ask but you tend to skip this question maybe you feel is not necessary, or maybe you dont want to remind someone about the past.

You know that this love thing comes differently to different people – for those who are yet to fall in love would look forward to falling In love and those who have had a break will want to be more careful to not fall with the wrong person.

Love is something that comes to you personally and you expressed it the way you feel – you can express love more than the other person but it is okay to tell someone about you so the person would l express the love more and better.

However, this is a good online dating line to make you realize that for this person to be asking you if you have fallen in love before means s/he is here to find love and maybe you could be the right match for each other.

Learn to put this in your pocket list as one of the online dating lines.



An online dating app just like offline dating has opening lines that you can use to initiate a conversation with that special someone with that you want to have a relationship with either a short or long time date.

Also, looking at the person’s profile knowing what to say, your likes and dislike, and the qualities which the person exude make it easy for you to use one of the opening lines that I have listed therein.

In a bid to win his/her heart, your opening lines should come straight as it sounds – you cannot make him/her start analyzing or finding meanings to what you say.

More so, avoid ambiguous words; some people will not like it when you stress them with your grammar – let go of cliches as possible such as reading between the line, and what are you bringing to the table.

Using good opening lines helps the communication to be have done – the manner in which you express yourself tells who you are and the kind of a person that you want to see and meet.








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