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How to Please a Woman Without Breaking the Bank


HomeDatingHow to Please a Woman Without Breaking the Bank

Do you think how to please a woman is too hard to experiment with? Have you ever imagined two lover-birds enjoying their relationship without money? These days, it’s easy for men to equate love with money. To the extent that each time they think of a relationship, the only thing that comes to their mind is the cost of maintaining it.

On the other hand, most women wouldn’t bother dating a guy who cannot afford to take them out or buy expensive fashion items for them. This could make you wonder if it’s possible to please a woman without breaking the bank.

Even if money plays a significant role in a relationship, you can still get the best from your woman and enjoy her company without spending much. In this article, we will unravel the puzzle of how to please a woman without breaking the bank. Read to the end to know why your partner’s happiness is important and how you can win her love without money.

Why Make a Woman Happy?

Remember, a relationship consists of two people from different backgrounds, ethnicity and race. Therefore, you should expect differences in beliefs, traditions and ethical standards.

For it to sail smoothly, you must please each other. So, you ought to please her just as she strives to please you. It’s a mutual thing with no one exempted.

Research has shown that women who are happy with their partners easily give their best to make the relationship work. Don’t be surprised. She might even go the extra mile to ensure you are happy too. So by making her happy, you too will be satisfied. It’s a win-win.

How to Please a Woman Without Spending Money

Now that you know the essence of making her happy, you should learn how to please a woman no matter the status of your relationship with her. The good news is that you don’t have to be rich to make her happy. With these tips, you can please a woman easily and make her love and trust you for decades to come.

  1. Give compliments

No woman can deny that they always blush each time they receive a compliment from a man. It makes them feel pretty and special. She might be craving to hear you say, “your hair is beautiful.” And when you finally spill it out, her joy will know no bounds.

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How to please a woman could be easier if you know how to give the most appealing compliments to a woman. Women also love to be praised if they do something that pleases their man. So next time she does something that makes your jaw drop in excitement, don’t forget to give a compliment and watch how fast you win her heart completely.

  1. Be sincere to her

Most women can easily tell if your feelings towards them are false or out of pretense. Therefore, it’s important you stay true to who you are and avoid false statements in a bid to make her like you. There are many ways to please a woman without breaking the bank or making false claims. Her heart will melt in pleasure when she realizes that you are always sincere to her no matter the circumstances.

  1. Sense of touch

Most women appreciate it when you touch them without a sexual connotation. This can be as simple as running your hands through her hair or grabbing her hands against yours. This is not just a simple way to show affection but could go a long way to please her without needing you to break the bank.

  1. Cook meals for her

Perhaps, you never thought of this when you ask yourself “how to please a woman.” Yet, this could be the answer you have been searching for all along. We aren’t talking about taking her to expensive restaurants or dinner parties where you may be forced to break the bank multiple times.

But we are referring to cooking. Yes, cook her favorite meals for her. Although most men do not fancy spending half a minute in the kitchen to please a woman, this should be the simplest thing on your list if you love her and want to please her.

Generally, women adore men that sacrifice their time to cook delicious meals for their pleasure. It doesn’t just show you are a good cook but also demonstrates the extent to which you could go to please her. And this has worked for many guys wondering how to please a woman.

  1. Listen to her

No one wants to be interrupted rudely while speaking. However, if you are fond of it, you should consider listening more to your partner. Women love men that listen attentively when they speak and heed their advice.

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Even when she faces challenges, you may want to offer a solution while she is still explaining. But all she needs at that time is just for you to listen to her. She doesn’t want to fix it outrightly. She needs a listening ear and a shoulder she could cry on at the moment.

  1. Get flowers for her

This could help you know how to please a woman with simple yet special things. Flowers mean a lot to women. And the good news is that they are mostly inexpensive and easy to get. So you don’t have to break the bank to surprise your partner with a lovely flower at her bedside in the morning.

If you have a garden, the job is half done. Go to the garden, pick beautiful flowers, and then make a bouquet. You could add more touch of romance by dropping the flowers at her doorstep or her desk in the office with a little note attached to inform her how much you care and love her company. You may even go beyond pleasing her with a sweet-scented flower.

  1. Show her respect

In our present-day society, men that truly respect their partners are rare. Women do not like men that yell at them and frown at everything they say. If you are wondering how to please a woman without spending money, you should consider showing her some respect than you do presently.

Showing respect is more than listening to her. It also entails respecting her decisions, opinions and who she is. However, showing respect doesn’t mean you should belittle yourself before her.

  1. Go on a walk

This may seem old-fashioned. But it could help you please a woman without spending a dime. You could grab your trainers with a bottle of water in the evenings or mornings and hit the street with her.

For couples and anyone in a relationship, this is the best activity to do with your partner. It doesn’t just strengthen the relationship and make her become fond of your company but also has immense health benefits. These benefits include reducing stress; calming your nerves and helping you feel more competent.

  1. Offer to do chores for her

For most men, this is a no-brainer! But only a few men think about it as they wonder how to please a woman. Although it doesn’t require you to spend money, you could only spend some time.

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Your partner will appreciate seeing you taking your time to do chores for her regularly. These chores could be as simple as cleaning the house, tidying the kitchen, washing the dishes and taking the clothes to the laundry. You could also help to empty the trash can and mow the lawn.

  1. Satisfy her in bed      

Perhaps, you have never thought of satisfying her fetishes all along. It would help if you realized that one of the best ways to please a woman is to satisfy her sexually. Understand what she likes in bed with her man. How and where she wants to be touched. If you could also learn how to last long enough for her in bed, you would do more than please her and enjoy more of her affection. And you will watch her fall in love with you all over again.

Can You Date a Girl If You Have no Money? 

Yes, you can date a girl with no money. But it depends:

  1. You should find a girl who doesn’t prioritize money in a relationship.
  2. You should seek different ways to please her that don’t require you to break the bank.
  3. It would help if you considered reciprocating her kind gesture by showing her more affection than she wished and letting her know she means the world to you even without money.

Final Thought

It’s possible to love someone and be loved without spending money or breaking the bank. This article has revealed some creative ways to please a woman even if you are broke. Now that you know how to please a woman without money, you can experience calmness and peace of mind.

Some of the best things in life are free. Love is one of them. So, go ahead and find true love without emptying your wallet.

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