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6 Reasons Why You Should Always Forgive Him


HomeSingles6 Reasons Why You Should Always Forgive Him

It is important to give yourself reasons why you should always forgive him as a woman and if you find it hard to forgive him, we have a few tips for you here at Romanticstrategies to make that decision less difficult for you.

Over the last week, the concept of forgiveness has been a hot topic of discussion in churches and other social gatherings. Let’s face it, forgiving is difficult. It is only because of Jesus that we have the strength to forgive others. God wants us to forgive others as He has forgiven us, but forgiving is not the same as forgetting. The old saying to forgive and forget is not biblical. We can forgive others, but it doesn’t mean we forget what they have done. 


When he hurts you somehow, you might feel certain you’ll never be able to get over it. Even after your immediate anger passes, you might continue to dwell on the betrayal instead of letting it fade into memory. It’s pretty common to feel this way. But not being able to forgive can harm you the most.


Forgiveness is a great and sometimes costly gift that can bring healing to your friends, your relationships, and you personally. It’s not something that comes naturally. It is a choice, sometimes a difficult choice.


Forgiveness might seem challenging, in part because it’s often misunderstood. You might believe forgiving someone means forgetting what happened, the pain they caused was no big deal or automatically resuming your previous relationship.


We talk about why you should always forgive him because men sometimes, cause pain and hurt in most relationships. (A Clingy Partner – 10 Glaring Signs of a Clingy Partner). Even though forgiving is hard, there are many reasons why you should always forgive him.


Forgiveness is a response to a misunderstanding or disagreement between spouses which involves reconciliation. Forgiveness helps one to repair a damaged relationship. Also, show that you are ready to stop being a victim and take charge of your life. Plus when you forgive your spouse, you will be free from corrosive anger, and you will manage to move on with your life happily.

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Reasons Why You Should Always Forgive Him

Reasons Why You Should Always Forgive Him – It Strengthens Your Love

Love is a powerful emotion and being with the right partners in our lives is the best feeling ever. When you forgive your spouse, you regain your friendship and the bond becomes stronger.


As a couple, it means that you value each other most as well as have strong feelings more than somebody else can do to you. Thus, your partner can hurt you the most as compared to other people. It is unhealthy in your relationship to have a lousy sentiment to punish a partner.


Everybody gets hurt, is flawed and makes mistakes. So, if you want to strengthen your love, learn to forgive your spouse always. Forgiveness creates room for care, happiness, and hope, and reduces depression in marriage. Allowing your spouse to speak freely of their pain, healing as well as forgiveness comes faster.


Reasons Why You Should Always Forgive Him – Forgiveness Helps You Heal

Holding onto resentment can sour you and keep you from finding peace. When you can’t forgive, your emotional wounds can’t close and heal. When you forgive, you’re not saying what he did was OK. You’re deciding to let go of the burden of stuck and unresolved emotions.


Forgiveness allows you to let go of pain and continue with a lighter heart. Forgiveness, in other words, enables you to begin moving away from anger and resentment before they seep into all areas of your life.

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Reasons Why You Should Always Forgive Him – Because It’s God’s Commandment

What God command us to do is for our benefit. Forgiveness can be dearly painful, but be sure of a blessing from Him. God does not take forgiveness lightly as His words tell it all.

Since forgiving can be painful, for you to bear the pain, be very prayerful. Remain close to God during the forgiveness process. Seek His will and pray for His guidance, as you take each step of forgiving your spouse.


Reasons Why You Should Always Forgive Him – For Lasting Relationship

Couples do not have the evil intention of jumping out of the relationship soon after exchanging their vows. Understanding and implementing forgiveness will make any marriage secure thus, avoiding cases like divorce or separation.

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Engaging forgiveness power is what lasting relationship demands for it to work. To forgive your spouse’s thoughts may not be an easy thing. Learning how to forgive and act on it will pay you now and shortly. Many marriages prosper against divorce or separation by application of the act of forgiveness. Yours may be the next.


Reasons Why You Should Always Forgive Him – To Avoid The Consequences Of Unforgiveness

Unforgiveness has the power to influence, affect, or negatively control you and your future. It has ruined many marriages, relationships, and careers, and even sent many to the grave at an early age. The fatal effects drain all your energy and waste time on the most famous avenues.


Do not stress yourself on something that is not worth your time. Instead, avoid the small pride of unforgiving in your marital life, forgive your spouse as many times as you can, and enjoy a healthy marriage life.

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Reasons Why You Should Always Forgive Him – Forgiveness Sets You Free

Forgiveness frees you in two ways. First, it releases the offender; second, it releases the one who was hurt. Forgiveness benefits the forgiver as much as, if not more than, the person who is being forgiven. It sets us free from being dragged down by unforgiveness, which eventually turns into resentment. And when you hold onto resentment, it does no good for anyone especially you.


There are going to be times when we need to offer forgiveness to our spouse, whether they’ve asked for it or not. When you do this, remember that you’re freeing yourself from the prison of resentment, and graciously offer forgiveness to your spouse.



Being able to forgive one another teaches you to love each other and those around you in a more Godly way, and it helps you to become more sensitive to the effects of your actions on others. In short, it makes you a  better wife, parent, friend and co-worker.


It’s important to note, once again, that forgiveness is a process. You can intend to forgive, but you can’t control the steps to forgiveness, or how long it takes to get there. If the hurt you want to forgive is particularly grievous, it can take a very long time to complete the process. Whatever it takes, set yourself on a path of forgiveness and trust God to meet you on that path. And give yourself grace and time as you walk it.

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